Let’s bust the myths about Endpoint backup

Let’s bust the myths about Endpoint backup

These days, it’s rare to find people storing their data on external hard drives. In case you didn’t know, endpoint backup transmits information from users on ‘endpoints’, which are our technological devices like laptops, phones and tablets to data centres. Cloud-based endpoint backups run on a schedule, either copying and storing data once every 24 hours or continuously.

This method of safekeeping business data is vital to enterprises. The loss of critical data due to security breaches or unforeseen circumstances can be detrimental to the business. Unfortunately, there still seems to be a shroud of misconception surrounding the strategy for endpoint backup.

Now that we’ve virtually gathered here today, let’s bust some of the ongoing myths about endpoint backup!

It’s the users’ responsibility to backup endpoints

Myth #1: It’s the users’ responsibility to backup endpoints

This is a destructive myth that several organisations have fallen victim to over the last three decades. Contrary to many beliefs, your user endpoints do contain critical business information. In the event that you lose an endpoint, your data, time and productivity follows suit.

You may also think that users copy their data onto external hard drives. Still, it’s undeniable that you lack control and confirmation to ensure that they are identifying the critical information being transmitted. Aside from that, we often keep external hard drives close to the endpoint, resulting in potential harm to both.

Be smart about judging the value of your data in your endpoint systems, and treat them with the same care that your server systems receive.

Myth #2: Antivirus is enough protection for user data

Many enterprises make the mistake of relying on antivirus solutions. Most of the time, they are so accustomed to their interface that the issues are unrecognised (or anti-recognised).

Antivirus solutions are no match for the threat intelligence of new-age endpoint protection. It may be able to defend some on-premises endpoints attacks, but it lacks the capabilities to protect more remote endpoints or modern network infrastructures. Moreover, malware and hackers are always evolving, and antivirus protection is continuously trying to catch up with them. Hence, antivirus solutions may not be sufficient if the updates are unable to keep up with the latest malware.

Luckily, you can quickly dispel this myth by determining your company’s use case with the expertise of your IT team!

Myth #3: Does endpoint backup work?

Good endpoint backup protections do work effectively. However, they are different from server backups as they aren’t running all the time. They tend to hibernate or run out of power. Thankfully, sturdy endpoint backup solutions seek to withstand and overcome these mishaps, so it’s essential to choose one that resumes backups from the time of failure.

Read More: Top 5 Easily Avoidable Mistakes for Endpoint Backup

Myth #4: Having cloud storage is good enough

Cloud storage is not the same as a Backup. In fact, this approach can only protect data that end users choose to transmit. It is entirely sufficient for file sharing and mobile access but delivers weak protection against data loss. Despite some cloud storage solutions coming with an automatic sync mechanism, sync solutions replicate files from an endpoint to the cloud, so any infection or deletion follows suit.

Having cloud storage is good enough

Myth #5: Cloud backups are not safe

We’ve all had paranoid thoughts about our private data suspended in the cloud, vulnerable to cyberattacks. Do deletions really vanquish something forever? Who else has access to my data? These justified concerns can rest once you select the right backup software and backup vendor—one offering encryption for your data and cloud backup policy based on your terms, such as “remote wipe capabilities” to ensure no data breaches.

Read More: Remote Cloud Backup Solutions for the Workforce in Malaysia

Myth #6: Cloud backup is costly

For the most part, cloud backup solutions are becoming increasingly affordable. It’s worth the additional cost rather than living through a data loss fiasco that can harm your business. All you need to do is search for a reputable cloud backup provider that provides hassle-free backup solution with affordable price!

Myth #7: Restoring data with a backup solution is too convoluted

In a way, individually downloading hundreds and thousands of folders is difficult and tedious. With the right endpoint backup solutions, you can recover large numbers of files with a single click, as well as preview files and download them accordingly. Most endpoint backup strategies provide a separate interface for data restoration.

Read More: Clearing the Myth: Why the Cloud is Not a Backup

In our mighty battle against endpoint backup myths, it’s helpful to arm ourselves with facts and choose a creditable vendor that’s right for us. Aegis Cloud Endpoint Backup (CEB) offers outstanding data protection from vulnerabilities for businesses across all walks. With endpoint backup features that include encryption, global deduplication, global device location tracking and remote data wipe, rest assured that your critical data is safe from malware, theft and human error.

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